Friday, November 1, 2019

Chrysler Group LLC Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Chrysler Group LLC - Research Paper Example This is a good stance for our students since they will also learn the basic tenets of corporate social responsibility. As a reputable institution, we should groom our students so that they can meaningfully contribute to the development of different societies rather than just focusing on getting well paying jobs. This will also help to create a good reputation for the institution if we are associated with companies that are socially responsible for their operations. The aspect of good corporate citizen makes Chrysler Group an ideal company to partner with in as far as internship for our students is concerned. Good record of workplace safety The other reason why we should partner with Chrysler Group in terms of internship for our students is that it has a good record of workplace safety environment. Our students will be safe if they are attached to this company and they will also generate knowledge about the significance of creating and maintaining safe working environments. The Nation al Safety Council (NSC) recognized Chrysler Group’s focus on improving safety in the workplace recently. Each company has a responsibility of ensuring that it creates a safe working environment and there is no doubt that Chrysler is good in this particular area. The company also strives to maintain good records of quality working relationships and this will help our students to gain the practical experience they so much require. This will also help our students to transform the theoretical knowledge they have so far acquired from their academic courses into practice. The aspect of good record of workplace safety maintained by Chrysler Group will play a pivotal role in the development of our students. Committed to develop diverse future business leaders Finally, there are indications that the company will uphold its commitment to develop diverse future business leaders. This is evidenced by Zetsche’s outstanding leadership qualities that significantly helped the company to turnaround its fortunes in the early 2000 after unprecedented loses. This leader is accommodative and to date Chrysler Group boasts of diverse and competitive leaders who come from different parts of the globe. The major success of the company can be attributed to its strategy of recruiting talented people from diverse backgrounds. The company also has retention schemes in places that are meant to ensure that all the skilled workers stay for a long period there. The company also has a policy that is meant to attract students for internship and this program is designed in such a way that the students will improve their business communication skills. Of notable concern is the fact that Chrysler Group offer scholarships to talented MBA candidates and it draws the applicants from more than 30 of the nation’s leading business schools. It will be a privilege for our school to be associated with is reputable company since it will help us to create a positive image. On top of tha t, our students will be marketable internationally which will be an added advantage to them as well as our institution. It is my conviction that the company’s commitment to develop diverse future business leaders will go a long way in assisting our students with their internship

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