Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Benefits Of Music Therapy Essay - 1342 Words

The Unbeknownst Benefits of Music Therapy Music therapy, a clinical use of music interventions to accomplish therapeutic goals, involves a broad range of activities including playing an instrument, singing, or listening to music. Similar to occupational and physical therapy, this expressive arts therapy remedies psychological conditions, such as depression, anxiety, or hypertension to maintain the well-being of an individual. Likewise, music has been a therapeutic tool that has shown positive effects to parts of the brain including regions involved in emotion, sensation, movement, and cognition. Although music therapy is a somewhat new-found treatment, it is used prominently today. Administered by a trained therapist, this type of therapy is used in correctional facilities, nursing homes, hospices, and special education schools. Although music therapy is a somewhat modern discovery, its formation was many years in the making. In the early 1800s, the therapeutic value of music appeare d in two medical journals by Edwin Atlee and Samuel Mathews. Both contributors were students of physician and psychiatrist, Dr. Benjamin Rush, a strong advocate of music therapy for medical diseases. However, during the 1800s, the first recorded music therapy intervention in an institutional setting occurred, as well as the first recorded systematic experiment in music therapy. Nonetheless, music therapy was formally instituted in the United States in the 1920s when musicians played forShow MoreRelatedMusic Therapy: What Are the Benefits?1193 Words   |  5 Pagesalternative is music therapy. Music therapy is used address health issues regarding their physical and emotional health. The therapist meets with a patient to learn about their strengths and weaknesses before creating a customized treatment plan. Some methods of treatment include singing, playing with instruments and listening to music. 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In the article, â€Å"Why Does Music Move Us?†, Douglas McClennan claims that, as human beings, we are attracted to music and art for reasons other than entertainment. Researchers have studied the human attraction to music and there appears to be a connection between music and man rooted deep in the brain, but it is unknown as to why the brain responds as suchRead MoreThe Effects Of Music Therapy On Children With Autism1406 Words   |  6 Pages There are multiple ways to heal and multiple benefits that come out of healing. One of those healing methods is Music Therapy. Music Therapy has been shown to help many people of all age groups, a specific group being children with autism. It helps benefit children with autism by improving their communication and social skills. Just simply listening to music calms and puts the brain at ease. 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This article provides specific insight in regards to whether music throughout therapy is beneficial to those experiencing forms of dementia. According to, Sherrati, Thorton Hatton, p. 13, (2004), â€Å"The use of the term music in this paper refers to a variety of music interventions (eg. listening to music), whereas the termsRead MoreTherapies For Autistic Children.Individuals Take For Granted1678 Words   |  7 PagesTherapies for Autistic Children Individuals take for granted the luxury of embodying qualities such as communication, interaction, and social and motor skills. Although, individuals may determine the aforementioned skills are more difficult to obtain because of a disability. Autism or autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that effects many children in the United States of America. Communication, interaction, and motor and social skills are usually effected in the autistic child.

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