Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Juveniles Should Never Be Charged As Adults - 894 Words

Juveniles should NEVER be charged as Adults The criminal court system is the system of law enforcement that is directly involved in apprehending, prosecuting, defending, sentencing, and punishing those who are suspected or convicted of criminal offenses. While the juvenile court system, is used to address and deal with youth, who are caught and/or convicted of crimes. The juvenile court system was established in the United States about two hundred years ago, with the first court appearing in Illinois in 1899. The doctrine was interpreted to mean that, because children were not of full legal capacity, the State had the inherent power and responsibility to provide protection for children, whose natural parents were not providing appropriate care or supervision. The key element was to focus on the welfare of the child. Thus, the delinquent child was also seen as in need of the court s benevolent intervention. (The juvenile justice system was founded on the concept of rehabilitation thr ough individualized justice.). It was founded on three principles: juveniles are not ready to be held accountable for their actions, are not yet fully developed, and can rehabilitate easier than adults. I believe that the juvenile justice system should stand firm in its regulations; Juveniles should not be charged as adults, despite the circumstances. The notion of Adult time for adult crime.. has brought tremendous changes to the juvenile justice system. Virginia, for example, hasShow MoreRelatedThe Main Aim Of Eradicating Criminal From The Society1439 Words   |  6 PagesJuvenile Crimes The main aim of eradicating criminal from the society is to enhance peaceful coexistence among people and to aid development. In this regard, individuals who fail to fit in this setting should be eradicated regardless of their age and made responsible for their actions. 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Juvenile crime does not only affect the person who commits the crime, it also affects victims in the crime. After evaluating two sources concerning the topic of juvenile crime, I have come to my own conclusions related to this topic. I believe that changing the juvenile jurisdiction age from age seventeen to eighteen is a great idea. I also believe that sexting is a crime for some. Juvenile crime is a huge issue in the United States, but how we punish those young adults is alsoRead MoreThe Juvenile Justice System And Juveniles1663 Words   |  7 Pagessystem and juveniles, there have been many landmark cases that have made a significant impact on the juvenile justice system. The cases arise from dealing with certain aspects that comes from handling juveniles entering the system. Since juveniles are very different from adults they have to deal with them a certain way and a case by cas e basis. 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