Thursday, December 26, 2019

Production Consumption And The City Essay - 1742 Words

PRODUCTION CONSUMPTION AND THE CITY Castells’s earlier writings were much focused towards the urban studies and his writings addressed many challenges, issues and the problems in the urban studies. His writings challenged the present existing orthodoxies in the society by developing many arguments and intense interest. And later on many emerging European theorists started to propound their own agendas for studying the urban. â€Å"In The Urban Question† castell’s approach was:- (i) Ahistorical (ii) Ethnocentric (iii) Functionalist ï  ¶ AHISTORICAL Althusserian Structural paradigm dismissed or ignored the history but also was not in the favor to the explanation of the history in which social influence can be follow only to the specific events, rather than being built in the results of the combinations of the events. According to Althusserian history is something that is problematic for the human as a subject such as change happens through the actions of the human beings and to the method of empiricism that the knowledge comes only from the experiences. Therefore history clearly against the â€Å"Scientific† method of theoretical practices. But Castells rejected Althusserian’s this view and focused on the need of the history for theoretical formalism. This he described as the â€Å"Theorized Histories†. Later castells criticized his own idea of â€Å"coding† observations into conceptual categories without the understanding of the reasons which gave rise to them. So the question arises that how anShow MoreRelatedPopulation Growth Is A Crisis Or Not?1273 Words   |  6 Pagesdemands of production and consumption are high. According to the BBC horizon documentary (2009), number of current population is about seven billion, seven times more than the last 10,000 years. 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